
A lovely young woman, but has a tendency to attract chaos through no fault of her own. This can happen when someone has a big heart.

Brandon's partner in crime, and childhood friend. Loves tattoos, can you tell? Oh, and let's not forget his trilby.

A young woman with secrets. She has a strength of character that can leave a guy breathless.

Bea's Ex. A petty southwest London criminal.

An unusual gent. Wears a cravat. Jitters a lot, too.

A bit of a lost soul but with his ability to charm, most wouldn't see the darker parts of him.

A quiet type tends to keep himself to himself. Personal training & development is his thing.

Looks at the world from his perspective. Doesn't always get the results he wants.

Bea's best friend, like a sister. Independent busy woman.

Strong silent type. Book Lover.

The more sensible of the twins.

The reckless twin who loves a bit of torment.

A woman who loves control and mind games.
Welcome to the book characters' page.
I thought that it would fun to bring them to life with gifs. The people in the visuals really remind me of how the characters would come across if brought to life.
More will be added soon, with playlists, soul numbers, and other interesting info that is not in the books.